Songs of the Northlands
TUATH is a musical and cultural exploration of the connections between the Gaels and their nearest Atlantic neighbours.
This stunning album, released February 2020, includes traditional songs as well as new material by Ó hEadhra & NicChoinnich, sung in Scottish Gaelic, Danish, Norwegian, Irish Gaelic and Galician.
The music speaks to our past, present and future, ranging from the simple voice to expansive arrangements and exquisite sound design by composer/musician Mike Vass.
Brian Ó hEadhra & Fionnag NicChoinnich have, once again, delivered an inspiring work of beauty, honesty and integrity.
Available internationally from Naxos World Music by download, on CD and streaming worldwide.
The stunning artwork for each song on the album was specially commissioned and created by Dundee based artists Freya Cumming.
TUATH - Songs of the Northlands was supported by Creative Scotland National Lottery funds.
Brianainn an t-Seòladair
Ceòl / Music: Fiona Mackenzie
Faclan / Words: Brian Ó hEadhra & Fiona Mackenzie
Nuair a bha e òg, choinnich Brian ris a’ chaiptean Tim Severn agus sgioba a’ bhàta “Brendan”, a thàinig air tìr ann an Talamh an Èisg ann am meadhan nan seachdadan an dèidh dhaibh seòladh tarsainn a' Chuain Siar bho Èirinn ann am bàta leathair a chaidh a thogail ri linn tuairisgeil sna teacsaichean far am faighear aithris air na tursan-mara aig Naomh Brianainn).
A song inspired by the adventures of the great Irish monastic navigator, Saint Brendan (born c. AD 484). It is written that Brendan and a small crew of monks sailed around the Atlantic visiting many lands inhabited by different animals and people. Some believe that he made it all the way to North America.
Seòladh saor o bhàgh an iar-sa
Siùil tha làn is muir mar charaid
Dream beag treun ag iomradh mar aonan
Sinne tha làn de dhòchais is iomnaidh
Haigh ò, haigh haigh haigh haigh ò
Ò a bhalachaibh
Haigh ò, haigh haigh haigh haigh ò
Ò a bhalachaibh
Tha sinne nur làmhan mar uain gun lèirsinn
Thoir dhuinn lùth bhon bhuaireas nar n-inntinn
Thoir dhuinn fois bho iomagain beatha
Dìon ar n-anaman, Ùghdair na Cruinne
Bho fhaclan nam bard thig tuigsinn is eòlas
Bho gach linn thig guidhe nan daoine
Anns gach ràmh tha ùrnaigh is uaigneas
Anns ar cuirp tha teannas is iarraidh
Eilean nam Faoil gun sgeul don fhialaiche
Eilean nan Caorach le daoine cho tuigseach
Eilean nan Eun mar phàrras air thalamh
Seinnibh gu h-àrd, thoiribh glòir don Athair
Èistibh rim sgeul is cromaibh ur cinn-se
Fàgaibh gach dragh a' còmhnaidh nur cridheachan
Sinne tha beannaichte, sinne le earbsa
Lorgaidh ar soitheach Eilean nan Naomh-sa
Brendan The Navigator
Sailing free from the west bay
The sail is full and the sea like a friend
A team, small yet strong, rowing as one
We are full of hope and worry
Haigh ò, haigh haigh haigh haigh ò
Oh lads
Haigh ò, haigh haigh haigh haigh ò
Oh lads
We are in your hands like sightless lambs
Give us strength from the turbulence in our minds
Give us rest from the worries of life
Protect our souls, Creator of the world
From the words of the bards will come understanding and knowledge
From every generation will come prayers of the people
In every row is a prayer and loneliness
In our bodies are tension and desire
Island of the Generous without sight of the provider
Island of Sheep with people so understanding
Island of Birds like a paradise on earth
Sing out loud, give glory to the Father
Listen to my story and bow your heads
Leave every worry that occupies your hearts
We who are blessed, we who have faith
Our vessel will find the Island of the Saints
Brendan - Wikipedia
Did an Irish Monk "Discover" America?
Latha Dhan Fhìnn am Beinn Ioghnaidh
Bho sheanchas / Traditional
Bha Caoilte mac Rónáin na mhac-peathar do Fionn mac Cumhaill agus na bhall de na fianna ann an bheul-aithris nan Gàidheal. B’ urrainn dha ruith aig astar iongantach, dèan conaltradh le beathaichean, agus bha e na sgeulaiche air leth.
An Ossianic ballad concerning the adventures of Caoilte, one of the band of legendary warriors known in Gaelic as An Fhèinn. In this song, while out hunting, he goes ahead of the band and meets a lovely maiden. Unfortunately, he encounters a giant and has to fight him, eventually striking his five heads clean off with his spear. As Caoilte is wounded and bleeding heavily he entrusts the maiden - Ailinn, King Duncan’s daughter with his spear and implores her to take it to Dun Till.
Latha dhan Fhinn am Beinn Ioghnaidh
An Fhinn uile ’s na fir cholgarr’
Chuir iad Caoilte air luaths a chas
Romhpa dhèanamh a' rothaid
Chunnaic e teach fada bhuaithe
Mar sin ’s a dhà dhoras fosgailt’
Bha ainnir ùr air a chlàr
Is teine mòr a’ cur a smàil
Is oir leam fhìn gun tug i dhomh
Dà thrian dhe biadh is trian dhe h-aodach
’S cò dhubhair orm-sa san rath-solas
Ach fuamhair mòr sa gharbh dhoras
Seachainn mi gu dìreach deas
Chan ann oirre thì a thàinig
Leannan a bh’ agam o thùs
Nighean na mealladh ’s na meall shùl’
Dàil sheachd bliadhna thug mi dhi
’S an-diugh a thànai’ mi oirr’ iomairt
’S thug esan urchair le nimh
Dhan t-sleagh mhòir a bha na dhòrn
’S thug mise urchair bhrodan bhras
Chuir mi na còig cinn o bhràighe
’S leig mi m’ uileann air an tom
’S shil e air mo chreuchdan gu trom
’S cò leig an guth fathach leam
Air an tulaich os mo chionn?
’S gum b’ e h-ainm dhomh tighinn gu teach
Àilinn nighean Rìgh Dhonnchaidh
Àilinn dèan thusa leam bàidh
’S na inns’ e uile bhrathach
Imrich mo sgiath gu Dùn Till
Cha d’ imrich bean a-riamh i romhad
A Day for the Fingalians of Beinn Ioghnaidh
All the Fingalians and the collegiate men
They made Caoilte his leg fast
Make the ride
He saw a house far from him
So, what two doors are open?
There was a new float on his table
It is a big fire burning
It was for me that she gave me
Two-thirds of food and one-third of her clothes
And whoever shook me in the lightning-success
But a big giant in the rough door
I sailed just south
She did not come from her
I had songs from the start
Girl of deceit and deceiving eyes
Seven years I gave her
And today I will finish my campaign
And he took it with poison.
The big spear of the fort
And I took a broken shower of death
I put the five heads from topography
And I let my mind on the mound
He saved my hearts heavily
And who let the giant voice go with me
On the hill above me?
And my name was to come to a house
Elgin, daughter of King Duncan
Must you do me with a cow?
And he doesn't tell all the braes
Move my shield to Dun Till
A woman has never left her before you
Caoilte MacRónáin - Wikipedia
Fenian Cycle - Wikipedia
Tobar an Dualchais - Latha Dhan Fhìnn am Beinn Ioghnaidh
Na Fir-chlis
Ceòl is Faclan / Music & Words: Brian Ó hEadhra
Stadaibh is èistibh gu ciùin
Bheiribh an ùine dhuibh fhèin
Rachaibh le sìth gun feall
Fosglaibh ur sùilean gu mall
Buidhe is dubh a’ tighinn gu dlùth
Beanntan a' suathadh nan neul
Glas is liath a' danns gu h-àrd
A' lìonadh mo chridhe le gràdh
A' lorg an fhàth le miann
Na speuran air lasadh o thuinn na grèin'
An seo, a-nis leinn fhèin
Daoin’ 'on tuath an t-saoghail
Quietly stand and listen
Take time for yourself
Go in peace, not in falseness
Slowly open your eyes
Yellow and black merging together
Mountains touching the clouds
Green and bluey-grey dancing above
Filling my heart with love
Seeking meaning with desire
The skies alight from waves of the sun
Here, together alone
Folk from the north of the world
Can you see the Northern Lights in Scotland?
Aurora - Wikipedia
South Sami/Scottish Gaelic poet Johan S. McGuinne was kind enough to translate Na Fir-chlis into South Saami and Swedish on his twitter feed @guektiengielin. Mòran taing Eòghan!
South Saami / Åarjelsaemien
Tjåadtjoeh, årroeh sjeavohth jah goltelh maa
Baajh datneb soelkedidh, lïegkestidh
Vaedtsieh raeffesne, slogni namhtah
Rïhpesth tjelmieh suejmieslaakan
viskes klaerieh tjeehpes klaerine ektesne låvla
vaerieh balvh tjuevliestieh
dïhte kruana jïh kraevies elmie dåånhtse
gieriesvoetine vaajmome deava
girvene, manne ulmieb jah vuajnoeb ohtsedeminie
elmie goeksege biejvien baaroej nuelesne
Daesnie, jalhts oktegimse, læjhkan aktesne
mijjieh, almetjh, maanah noerhtelistie
Stå där, lyssna, vilandes i tystnaden
tillåt dig själv att varva ned, att vila
låt dina steg andas fred, fria från lögner
och öppna sakta dina ögon
gula flammor väver samman svartheten
fjällen kysser molnen
himladansen färgas blågrön och grå, och
mitt hjärta fylls av kärlek
jag söker villigt efter en mening, ett mål
himlen brinner under solens vågor
vi är här, tillsammans i ensamheten,
vi barn av Arktis
Chan eil mi gun Mhulad Orm
Bho sheanchas / Traditional
San amhran seo tha an nighean glè shoilleir cò nach bu toil leithe pòsadh. Glè cheart!
A fun clapping song from the isle of Barra where the women would finish waulking (preparing) the newly spun tweed by smoothing out the cloth through patting it with their hands.
Air fa li leo
Ho Ro Ghealladh Eileadh
Air fa li leo
Chan eil mi gun mhulad orm
H-uile h-aon a' pòsadh
'S tha mise gun pòsadh fhathast
Seann duine cha ghabh mi idir
Bidh e fada 'g éirigh
Fada fada dol 'na éideadh
Cha téid e 'mach gun am bata
Cha tig e 'steach gun an ad air
Saoilidh e gur caoraich creagan
Saoilidh e gur geòidh na cearcan
Saoilidh e gur grian a' ghealach
Saoilidh e gur siùcar sneachda
Saoilidh e gur luch an lacha
B'annsa balach sgiobalta
A thogadh mi 's a leagadh mi
Air fa li leo
Ho Ro Ghealladh Eileadh
Air fa li leo
I am not without sorrow.
Everyone getting married
And I am not married yet.
I won't take an old man.
He will be slow getting up,
Very slow getting on his clothes.
He won't go out without a stick.
He won't come in without a hat on.
He will think rocks are sheep.
He will think the hens are geese.
He will think the moon is the sun.
He will think snow is sugar.
He will think the duck is a mouse.
I'd rather have a smart lad
That would lift me up and lay me down.
Ceòl / Music: Fiona Mackenzie
Faclan / Words: Fiona Mackenzie & Brian Ó hEadhra
Abair gun robh beatha brùideil dha ar sinnsearan. Tha sgeulachd na h-Alba agus beatha nan riaghladairean làn de bhròn agus de bhrathadh. Tha cùisean beagan nas fheàrr an-diugh taing do shealbh!
Inspired by the brutal and tragic tale of Isabella MacDuff, Countess of Buchan who crowned Robert the Bruce in 1306.
Chuir thu crùn hìll iu hìll ò
Air rìgh nan rìgh hìll ill ill ò
A bhana-ghaisgeach òg hìll iu hìll ò
A bhan-iarla chòir hìll a hoireann hò rò
Bh' agaibh ri hìll iu hìll ò
Lagh nam beus hìll ill ill ò
A chumail slàn hìll iu hìll ò
A Chlann 'ic Dhuibh hìll a hoireann hò rò
Chaidh do chreach hìll iu hìll ò
Chaidh do mhilleadh hìll ill ill ò
On thrèig an t-iarl' hìll iu hìll ò
Gun dìon no mòd hìll a hoireann hò rò
D' ìsleachadh hìll iu hìll ò
Do thaisbeanadh hìll ill ill ò
Mo mhallachd orra hìll iu hìll ò
A rinn do nàir' hìll a hoireann hò rò
Fad ochd bliadhn' hìll iu hìll ò
Am braighdeanas hìll ill ill ò
O càit an deach hìll iu hìll ò
Bean nam feart hìll a hoireann hò rò
Cuimhnichibh hìll iu hìll ò
An sgeul làn bròin hìll ill ill ò
Agus thig an latha hìll iu hìll ò
Far an èirich an leòmhann hìll a hoireann hò rò
You crowned
The king of kings
Strong heroine
Worthy countess
You had to
Your ethics intact
Clann MacDuff
You were ruined
You were destroyed
From the deception of the Earl
Without protection or court
Your humiliation
Your exhibition
My curses upon them
Who shamed you
For eight years
In captivity
O where did the
Powerful woman go
The sorrowful tale
And the day will come
When the lion will rise again
Fichead Aodan
Ceòl is Faclan / Music & Words: Brian Ó hEadhra
Bidh sinn uile a' fulaing le tinneas an dràsta is a-rithist; nar cuirp is nar n-inntinn. Gu fòrtanach, bidh barrachd dhaoine bruidhinn mu dheidhinn trom-inntinn agus am buaidh a tha e oirnn na làithean-sa.
For those who suffer from mental health issues; you are not alone.
Fichead aodann anns an sgàthan
A' dùrdanaich, a' dùrdanaich
Sùilean orm is mi air fàire
A h-uile latha a' lorg sìth
Iomadh guth a' bruidhinn gu sàmhach
Nam inntinn dhorch' is smuaintean trom’
Cùm gu rèidh am measg nan daoine
Na foillsich na tha a’ dol nad cheann
Daoine dùinte 's iad leth choma
Cùm do mhiann am broinn do chrìdh’
Dèan an danns’ sna reultan àrda
Leig mu sgaoil na smuaintean binn
Cà' bheil saorsa; cà' bheil càirdeas;
Càit an deach am balach òg?
A chluich gun dragh sna làithean geala
...Cuimhneachain a' tighinn bhon sgleò
Fanaidh mi gus ’n tig a' ghrian
Feuchaidh mi ri cumail beò;
Gus an uair sin bidh mi stòlda
Cuimhnich oirnn a tha sa cheò
Twenty Faces in the mirror
Murmuring, murmuring
Eyes upon me and I'm on guard
Everyday, everyday
Many voices speaking quietly
My mind dark; my thoughts heavy
Stay calm among the people
Don't reveal what's inside your head
Closed people and they half caring
Keep your wish inside your heart
Dance among the stars on high
Release the sweet thoughts
Where is freedom; where is friendship
Where did the young boy go
Who played without a care in those bright days
… Memories coming through the fog
I will wait until the sun comes
I will try to stay alive
Until then I will be still
Remember us in the mist
Cadal Cha Dèan Mi
Bho sheanchas / Traditional
Tha iomadh dreach dhen òran brònach seo ann. Dh'ionnsaich Fiona an t-òran bhon seinn leis an sàr sheinneadair Iseabail NicAsgaill à Leòdhais. 'S truagh nach eil fios againn cò am boireannach a sgrìobh na faclan cumhachail a tha seo.
A heartbreakingly beautiful song of a woman who believes her sailor love to be missing at sea.
Cadal cha dèan mi, sùgradh cha dèan mise,
Nochd chan fhaigh mi tàmh, 's gun mo ghràdh a' tighinn.
Cha b' ann dubh no ruadh a bha luaidh mo chridhe,
'S ann a bha e bàn, àilleagan nan gillean.
'S tu bu ghuirme sùil, 's tu bu dùbailt cridhe,
'S tu bu bhinne cainnt, ris na rinn mi bruidhinn.
Sgrìobhadair le peann, leughadair nan duilleag,
Maraiche nan tonn, chuireadh long fo h-uidheam.
Bhuail i air an tràigh far am fàs an duileasg
Leum thu aiste, ghràidh, 's shàbhail thu iad uile.
Chuala mise sgeul a thug deur bhom cridhe,
Thu bhi falbh a-null 's gun do dhùil ri tilleadh.
H-uile h-oidhche tha mi smaoineachadh gun tig thu
Gu mo leabaidh fhìn, 's aonaranach mise.
Sleep I will not have, merriment I won't make
I will have no rest tonight, without my love coming to me
It wasn't a black or red headed lad who filled my heart
He was blond, the jewel of the boys
You were of of blue eyes, you were of duplicitous heart
You were sweet talking when I would speak with you
A writer with a pen, a reader of books
A sailor of the waves, who could sail a ship
She hit the beach where the dulch grows
You jumped out my love and saved them all
I heard a story which brought tears to my heart
You will be going abroad and don't plan to return
Every night I am thinking that you will come
To my bed, and me lonely
Is Gael Mé
Le Brian Ó hEadhra
'S i a Ghaeilge a' chiad chànan Gàidhealach a dh' ionnsaich Brian. 'S i ar cànain Gàidhealach an rud as prìseil dhuinn agus bu chòir dhuinn i a chleachdadh gu minig le chèile, ge bith far am bi sinn a' fuireach.
A song of empowerment and hope written in Irish Gaelic.
Táim beo is marbh - is Gael mé
Faoin dtuath is sa chathair - is Gael mé
Ar tír is ar muir – is Gael mé
Im chorp is im aigne aerach
Beir glóir dár muinntir - is Gaeil iad
I bhfulaingt is bua - is Gaeil iad
I gcreideamh is anam - is Gaeil iad
Lán ghrá is dóchas go deo
’Nár dteaghlaigh s’nár gcumainn - is Gaeil muid
Sinn oscailte réitithe - Gaeil muid
Lán tuiscint ’nár dúchas - is Gaeil muid
Lán réidh don dúshlán ’tá romhainn
Labhraígí an teanga - is Gaeil sibh
Lán taca don cheartas - is Gaeil sibh
Seas an aghaidh olcais - is Gaeil sibh
Is déan deimhnin de cé sibhse go bráth
In Éirinn, in Albainn – is Gaeil sinn
Sa Mheirceá Thuaidh - is Gaeil sinn
Sa Mhanainn is Sasana - is Gaeil sinn
Ar fud an domhain ar fad
I'm alive and dead - I am a Gael
In the countryside and city - I am a Gael
On land and sea - I am a Gael
In my body and lively mind
Give praise to our people - They are Gaels
In suffering and achievement - They are Gaels
In beliefs and spirit - They are Gaels
Forever full of love and hope
In our families and gatherings - We are Gaels
We are open and ready - We are Gaels
Fully understanding of our heritage - We are Gaels
Fully prepared for the hardships afore us
Speak the language - You are Gaels
Fully support justice - You are Gaels
Stand against malice - You are Gaels
Always be certain of who you are
In Ireland, in Scotland - We are Gaels
In North America - We are Gaels
In Mann and England - We are Gaels
Across the whole wide world
Sìne Bhàn
Ceòl is Faclan / Music & Words: Donnchadh MacIain
Chan eil dad nas cumhachdaiche na bhith a’ cluinntinn còisirean Gàidhlig a’ seinn Sìne Bhàn còmhla aig cruinneachaidhean mòra.
Donnchadh MacIain, from Islay, wrote this much loved song for his wife during his time spent at the front in the Great War. We sing this song in memory of Fiona's father Rod.
Blàth nan cailin, Sìne Bhàn
Reul nan nighean, dìleas òg,
Cuspair dìomhair i dom dhàn,
Gràdh mo chridh', an rìbhinn òg.
Àros sona bh' againn thall
Àirigh mhonaidh, innis bhò.
Sgaoil ar sonas uainn air ball
Mar roinneas gaoth nam fuar-bheann ceò.
Bruaillean cogaidh anns an tìr
Faic an long a' togail sheòl,
Cluinn an druma 's fuaim na pìob
Faic na suinn a' dol air bòrd.
Feumaidh mise triall gun dàil
Chi mi 'm bàrr a croinne sròl.
M' eudail bhàn, o soraidh slàn
Na caoin a luaidh, na sil na deòir.
Cha ghaoir-cath' no toirm a' chàs'
Dh'fhàg min dràsd' fo gheilt is bròn
'S e na dh'fhàg mi air an tràigh,
Sìne Bhàn a rinn mo leòn.
Sìnte 'n seo air achadh blàir,
'S duine 'mhàin cha tig nam chòir
O, 's nach robh mi anns an Àird
Le Sine Bhàn a' ruith nam bò.
Ma tha e 'n dàn mi bhith slàn
Stadaidh ràn nan gunnan mòr
Am Baile Mhonaidh nì mi tàmh
Le Sìne Bhàn, mo rìbhinn òg.
The flower of the girls, Fair Jane
The star of the girls, young and faithful,
A mysterious one, she is my destiny
Love of my heart, the young lass.
We had a happy abode over yonder
At the moor sheiling, the place of the herd.
Soon our happiness spread
Like wind dissipates mist from the cold mountains.
War battles in the land
See the ship raising a sail,
Hear the drum and the sound of the pipes
See the hero's boarding.
I must leave straight away
I see the ensign flying
My beautiful sweetheart, oh farewell
Do not cry, do not weep.
It's not battle nor the noise of marching
That has left me sorrowful and distressed
It's the leaving of Fair Jean on the beach
That has wounded me.
Lying here on a field of battle,
I will get solace from no one
Oh, if I was only at Aird
With Fair Jean herding the cows.
If I am destined to be saved
The roar of the canons will stop
At Baile Mhonaidh I will rest
By Jane Fair, my young lass.